Saturday, May 1, 2010

God, Life, Death & Perception


What is the meaning of life and death, why do we make mistakes, why do we yield to temptation why do we become sick and impoverished, how can we overcome those evils and how can we bring health and happiness not only in our lives but onto the lives of others that we love, this are daily questions that we ask ourselves.
A man who parts with integrity of his soul is a tragic fool! Miracles happen the universe is a perfect system of law and order there are no exceptions it is continuously right.

Video of the Universe

Our life becomes the outer experience of our inner thoughts, and we chose the thoughts that we have, as a fact we our lives are the result of the kind of thought that we have chosen to hold.

If you want to have peace of mind and spiritual development we must chose a task where whether you wish or not in your everyday life you must when you rather not must carry your principles.

One’s mental status needs to be right so that everything else is right; if one mental status is wrong then everything else is wrong.

We feel that we need to have great possessions which are preconceived ideas that constitute our spiritual pride such as academic distinction, material attachments to Institutions and organizations and we fear public ridicule all of this chains us .

It is only when trouble and suffering assails us that we learn the real truth, this sets us free from our three dimensional limitations and concomitants such as sin, sickness and death.

When our health breaks down and ordinary medical means fail to give relief is when we gain spiritual understanding of our life, the same way that we do when poverty and family troubles arise, we then realize that we have dominion of our thoughts and that we can make our life to be as we want to think about it and that we cannot think one thing and produce another.

As explained by Jesus in the sermon of the Mount, it is only thru the meditation in the truth that we can assert the meaning of life, how we can overcome sickness, impoverishment and bring peace and health and the real prosperity achieved, to us and the ones that we love.

The spirituality of man is eternal and thru faith, we can understand all the miracles that surround us.

Trouble and d suffering are extremely useful because most people do not bother to learn the truth until driven to do so by sorrow and failure. It is then when most people turn to God as a last resort.
The trouble and sorrow that we suffer is due to the fact that our mode of life is opposed to the truth, we begin to realize this when all the things that we were taught looked foolish and wild and now they do not appear to be so.
All causation is mental and our body our affairs are the manifestation of our own mental status. We have dominion and power over our thoughts to think as we will and we mar our life in accordance to how we think.
We cannot think one thing and produce another, if we control our thoughts for harmony and happiness the outer things will follow.
The thing that really matters are is the mercifulness of our thoughts. Kind actions coupled with unkind thoughts are hypocrisy dictated by fear.

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